New year, new challenges #excited. On behalf of the Dutch Research and Education Network SURF, I'll be leading together with Marina Adomeit (SUNET) and @klaas (@geant ) the Trust & Identity work package in the next 2 year iteration of the European GÉANT project (GN5-1). 
#eduroam #edugain #InAcademia #eduTEAMS
More info:

SURF werkt samen met de andere Europese onderwijs- en onderzoeksnetwerken binnen GÉANT, om op deze wijze een pan-Europees netwerk en innovatieve services te leveren. De realisatie hiervan vindt plaats via het GÉANT-project. In dit blog lees je meer over wat SURF binnen GÉANT doet op het gebied van Trust & Identity en de impact die dat heeft op de T&I-diensten die SURF biedt aan zijn leden.

#edugain #eduroam #inacademia #eduteams

Elon Musk appears to have out-sourced decisions about who to ban from Twitter to the platform’s right-wing extremists

This last week, at the request of right-wing extremists and in response to platform manipulation, Twitter has banned the accounts of @chadloder, @VPS_Reports, @CrimethInc, and @efjbgc.

This article, written by me and @robertmackey, quotes heavily from Mastodon, and embeds a Mastodon post

Delivering #edugain, #eduroam, #inacademia and #eduteams. Read my blog post on what we have accomplished in 4 years of European (and global) collaboration in Trust & Identity. Many thanks to all my colleagues in realising this amazing result.

Gratis e-book 'Het afzien van corona' voor mensen die die heerlijke jaren 2020, 2021 en 2022 willen herbeleven.

Reboost gerust.

It was great to present at the symposium in Prague all the great work that the EOSC Future project has done. (picture courtesy Ron Dekker)


Fred Brooks, architect of the IBM/360 and its OS, author of The Mythical Man Month, and advocate for the 8-bit byte (enabling lower case letters!), passed away today.

Few in computing have influenced so many.

I didn’t realize that the Dutch fought for their bike lanes. There’s a lot of history within this that I’m currently naive about but excited to learn!

Here’s the article I’m starting with — How the Dutch got Their Cycle Paths:

#bikes #urbanism

Once-Only Principle says that citizens should not be forced to provide information to authorities if another authority already holds that information in electronic format.
Learn more 👉

I started a tool for Mastodon users who run their own small instances: allows you to load server blocklists from larger instances so you don't have to do all the moderating yourself.

More features on this coming over the next week or so. My aim is to add importing/syncing with your personal instance, so you can keep your timeline free of nazis without lifting a finger.

#fediblock #mastodon #mastoadmin #mastoadmins

Banksy has been in Ukraine, to Borodianka.

Borodianka was occupied by Russian forces and heavily damaged by their artillery before being liberated.

The art speaks for itself.

Last (and only F2F) T&I all-hands meeting at SURF under the GN4-3 project (which ends this December). In the last 4 years: we grew #eduGAIN and #eduroam, launched #InAcademia, turned #eduTEAMS into a customisable service to offer AAI as service for the research collaborations!

Proud and honoured to work with Licia Florio and all the other T&I colleagues in the GÉANT community!

Let’s try this again. Where you at #fediverse? Boosts welcome so we can get the best sample size.

If you download your #Twitter archive it arrives wrapped as a static HTML page, which is not very useful for doing anything with, and worse: it requires the original account to be still active to do useful things like enlarge the images since they use links.

So here's a #Python script to convert a Twitter archive to #markdown or other formats:

Now you can archive your tweets in any way you want.

“Whosoever pulleth this bicycle from this stone shall be crowned rightwise king of the Netherlands”

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Wierenga Mastodon

Wierenga Mastodon Server